Despite the much needed rain in May and June, July has brought many days of clear skies and high temperatures to Asheville. While some people prefer taking a dip in the pool to cool off, and while others prefer air conditioning, I like to go for something sweeter. For those craving a little indulgence this summer, the newly opened Cold Stone Creamery–Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory is the perfect place to find a reprieve from the summer heat while satisfying your sweet tooth.
Located in Biltmore Park Town Square across from the Regal Biltmore Grande Stadium 15, Cold Stone Creamery–Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory offers endless dessert possibilities, and the best part is that you get to make your own recipe. All custom ice cream orders are called "creations," and the customers get to enjoy the role of audience as the Cold Stone crew blends freshly-made ice cream with your choice of mix-ins on their signature frozen granite stone. To make the experience even more entertaining, just give them a tip for their hard work, and you'll be seranaded as a thank you.
Apart from their ice cream, smoothies, shkaes, and cakes, the Cold Stone in Biltmore Park will also serve Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory treats, including candied apples, boxed chocolates, fudge, and more. Summer is a great excuse to let loose, and chocolate is a great way to start.
Whether you are in Asheville enjoying a vacation or you are a local resident in need of a night of fun, Biltmore Park Town Square is your one-stop destination. Grab a bite to eat at Brixx Pizza, where you can taste some local brews; then walk across the street to catch one of the many blockbuster hits opening at the Regal Biltmore Grande this summer, and finish the evening off with your favorite Cold Stone Creamery creation. And don't forget to come by again to visit the new businesses that will be opening soon–including the Hilton Asheville, Barnes & Noble, Travinia Italian Kitchen, and Hickory Tavern.