The Dolly Llama Waffle Master, a renowned California-based franchise known for its imaginative treats, is coming soon to Biltmore Park Town Square. Inspired by a real llama named Dolly from the South of France, their menu boasts mouthwatering creations like Bubble Waffles, OG Liege Waffles, and delectable milkshakes made with premium ice cream and artisanal toppings.
Owners and longtime Asheville residents, Ryan and Kristie Bivins, are excited to launch The Dolly Llama Waffle Master as their second business in town. Committed to giving back to the local community, they are dedicated to offering authentic, handcrafted desserts along with a top-notch guest experience, all in a lively and relaxed environment.
Join us in giving them a warm welcome and keep an eye out for further updates as they prepare for their grand opening later this summer.